आपका निरर्थक किसी के लिये है सार्थक
Meaningless to Meaningful
We started this project with the thought of turning something which carries no meaning for someone to something that might be meaningful for somebody else and a larger perspective is to make our lives along with somebody else’s worth living.
Since the very beginning we’ve been taught at home and our second home being school, that we need to give back to society in whatever way we can.
We collect clothes, books, footwear, bags etc and anything which is not of any use to you, and something that you wish to donate.

Join the Team
By volunteering with us, you will become a vital part of our organization; and you will make a real difference to the lives of needy children and their families. An opportunity that will not only develop your inter-personal skills, allow you to meet like-minded people; but will also be the most fulfilling and gratifying phase in your life that will echo with children’s laughter for years to come. From helping heroes and fundraisers, to campaign volunteers, creative persons to enhance our web site, social media experts, digital marketing etc. we have the perfect fit for you.
Enjoy the joy of sharing
Sharing gives a great satisfaction and a sense of emotional fulfillment to an individual. Each time you celebrate a birth day of yours and your beloved ones, observe your wedding anniversary of yours and that of your family members. observe a remembrance day of any family members ot any special day through• your social nertworking circle or professional network, you can join the cause by sharing with others.

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Check out our work

Riksha Colony, Ashiana, Lucknow
26 Jan 2021

Vrindavan Colony, Sec-5, Lucknow
14 Feb 2021

Riksha Colony, Ashiana, Lucknow
21 Feb 2021

Burgawan Village, Lucknow
26 Feb 2021

Plantation on World Earth Day- 22 Apr 2021
Our latest drive